Monday 1 February 1982


Premise: On the planet Deva Loka a seemingly primitive tribe - the Kinda - hides a dark secret: they are all that stands between this world and the next, and the Mara that lives there...

Notes: Sarah Sutton only appeared very briefly as Nyssa in this story because it was originally developed for only two companions so instead of re-writing the script to include an extra companion it was deciding to instead that she would faint at the end of the last story and be in an educed sleep for most of this story. This story has many strong Buddhist themes running throughout with the monster of the piece, the Mara, being named after the Buddhist word for temptation.

Verdict: A strong story which mixes sci-fi and surrealism to great effect. While it's arguably too intelligent for its own good, the end result is ultimately enjoyable and as for the snake, there have been far worse monsters in the series 9/10

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